
Amara2013 - PCNA ubiquitylation in the activation of PRR pathway

Number of species: 23

Number of parameters: 34

Number of irreversible reactions: 25

Number of reversible reactions: 0

Deficiency: 2

Rational: Yes

Polynomial: Yes

Mass-action: Yes

Species name mapping: [Text]

Parameter name mapping: [Text]

Reaction network: [Text]

Number of reactions: 25

Stoichiometric matrix: [LaTeX] [Maple] [Reduce] [SageMath]      Rank: 16

Reconfigured reaction network: [Text]

Number of reactions (reconfigured): 25

Reconfigured stoichiometric matrix: [LaTeX] [Maple] [Reduce] [SageMath]      Rank: 16

Kinetic matrix: [LaTeX] [Maple] [Reduce] [SageMath]

ODEs: [LaTeX] [Maple] [Reduce] [SageMath]

Constraints: [LaTeX] [Maple] [Reduce] [SageMath]

Parameter values: [LaTeX] [Maple] [Reduce] [SageMath]
